Friday, May 25, 2007


Here Are Some Places You Should Totally Go To

Links a Go-Go!

1. Slogging My Way Through My Music
Chrissy is a braver woman than I. She has 59 days of music on iTunes- that's at least 1,416 hours, or around 85,000 minutes. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 20,000 songs. And she's going to listen to all of it. And document it on her blog. Do be a dear and read it.

2. The Orange Man Project
This guy decided to test the hypothesis that eating lots of carrots will turn a person orange by eating only carrots for two weeks. Did it work? Not really, but it's funny as hell.

3. The FOOBiverse!
"For Better or For Worse" is pretty fucked up, don't you think? Well, I do, and so do these people. And they, like other people on the tubes, enjoy discussing it snarkily.

4. Fundies Say the Darndest Things
Yes they do. I think this site subconsciously influenced Crazy Christian Chain Emails.

As the site itself says, it's "A webcomic of romance,
sarcasm, math, and language." Good times.

That's it for now.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Here's Some Crap For You To Enjoy

It's good, I promise.

1. Kenya
Where can you see lions? Only in Kenya. Not really, but this cartoon is the shit. From the same guy who brings us Weebl and Bob.

2. Blancmange- Don't Tell Me
I love this song. It reminds me of Chrono Trigger.

3. Moxy Fruvous- Splatter Splatter (Live on Conan)
Featuring my favorite Mike Ford (sorry, 165) on vocals.

4. U2- Even Better Than the Real Thing
That fist thing freaks me the hell out. Is that what it's like being on drugs? Because if it is, I'm only missing things that would make my brain hurt.

5. Hair- The Flesh Failures (Let the Sunshine In)
Here is an example of the importance of context. When the Fifth Element paired "Let the Sunshine In" with "Aquarius" it seemed like a fairly happy, innocuous song. In its original context in "Hair"? Not so much with the happiness.

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