Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Celebrity Fantasy Harem The Third

Ha! I'm back, bitches! I seem to get a ton of hits on the other CFH entries, from people looking for "fantasy harem" and occasionally "celebrity harem," so why not make my comeback (don't call it a comeback!) with a new crop of potentially embarrassing celebrity menz? Where did I leave off? Oh yeah...

11. Brendon Small
"Home Movies" and Metalocalypse? Yes, please.

12. David Cook
You know, I really did a 180 on this guy over the course of the Idol season. At the beginning I thought he was a poseur, and I called him a douchebag on Twitter (I'd link to that post, but Twitter's recovering from another crash and disabled a ton of features.) Then he got a haircut and looked better. Then I started liking his singing. By the end of the season, he was downright nooshable. That means exactly what you think it means. Special note: Mr. Cook is the first CFH inductee who is younger than I am. Congratulations, I guess.

13. Bob Behnken
Okay, I actually feel kinda bad about this one. Because, seriously, an astronaut? You know, you work all hard and get a PhD. and have a career in the Air Force and go work at NASA and go to space, and how does the Internet reward you? With an appearance in some crazy woman's Man Harem. I'm sorry.

I'd still hit it, though.

14 Jim Vandermeer
Go to about 1:15 of that video. You know I love me some hockey players. And I love me some hockey fights, too. Also younger, but only by a few months, so that doesn't really count.

15. Martin Sargent, circa 2002
Remember, alternate universe rules apply. I can pick anyone from any point on the space-time continuum, from any conceivable reality where they're not involved with someone else or a drug addict or stupid any other thing I don't like. So Martin Sargent enters the Harem from the time when he did a good job guest hosting The Screensavers and Call For Help and didn't act dumb or have the haircut he's sporting these days.

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