Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Videos You'll Need To Spend Some Time Watching

1. Kissing Hank's Ass
Classic freethought tract brought to life and onto video. Hilarious. And Drew Barrios (the bald guy) is smokin' hot here. So is Jamal Qutub, even with the helmety dreadlocks. I guess the other guy's cute too. And look- it's not from Youtube!

2. Un Chien Andalou
If you're at all squeamish, or have a thing about eyes don't watch between 1:20 and 1:40 of this. And if you don't like Dadaism, don't watch it at all. It's one long WTF? moment.

3. Nuumamonja
Anime based on Chrono Trigger. Hells yeah. I prefer Gato's song (and name) in English, though.

4. Baby Smackhead Music Festival
The brilliant Julie's brilliant parody of those Baby Einstein/Baby Mozart videos. When I have babies, those videos won't be played in my house, joining Barney and Raffi on the banned list. My kids will listen to TMBG and Cake and watch Blue's Clues and Mr. Rogers reruns. I say that now, but we'll see when I actually start reproducing.

5. Design for Dreaming
The future, as imagined by General Motors in 1956. I didn't link to the MST3K version, but it's there. As is the sequel.

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