Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Cross-Post With Myspace

So my sister's friend Jed wants to know everybody's top ten favorite videos. Online overachiever that I am, I'll post this here with comments and a truncated version in Jed's blog. Countdown-style, here they are:

10. Ultimate Fakebook- Inside Me, Inside You
Funny, instructional, from Kansas, and a great song to boot.

9. Cibo Matto- Sugar Water
I think, as a song, I prefer "Know Your Chicken." But this video's really artistic and shit.

8. Silly Fools- Kon Tee Kah Chun
I'm not really sure what's going on here, and I hope that wasn't real raw meat that actress was eating, because ew. It's such a good song without the video, too. Sorry about the subtitles- it's from the karaoke VCD, all the songs have the lyrics going across the screen. It's a good way to learn the songs, though.

7. Sloan- She Says What She Means
I could've picked any Sloan video since I love them all, but this one has a story.

6. The Age of Electric- Remote Control
I'm guessing the clips are all or mostly stock footage or out-of-copyright. And there's Todd Kerns, who at the time was the best-looking man alive. And some bare ass, so you know it's not an American video.

5. Shiina Ringo- Stem
Just gorgeous, both the video and the song. Kinda like Memoirs of a Geisha, only with, you know, actual Japanese women.

4. Primus- Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
Yeah, I know, Primus. But come on, it's a damn good video. Nobody gets silly like this anymore.

3. The Tragically Hip- At the Hundredth Meridian
It's your typical "band stands around outside and plays" video, except for the straightjacketed upside-down guy and the stuff suspended from cranes. And to this day I can't sing (or say) "unceremoniously" without doing the Gord head-turn.

2. Nine Inch Nails- Closer
It's just that good. Not a whole lot like it before or since.

1. Shudder To Think- X-French Tee Shirt
Well, of course this is number one. What else was going to be my favorite video but a song from my favorite album ever?

Other than number one, it's not really a countdown. Most of them are interchangeable.

I stumbled upon your blog searching for ways to automate posting to Blogger and MySpace at the same time . . . Luckily I found something a lot cooler! Great picks on videos!

After landing here and seeing Ultimate Fakebook at the top I poked around and saw that you had dug up a lot of great videos on your blog. Thanks for entertaining me tonight!
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