Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I Forgot Some- Again.

My dumb ass has been forgetting songs for the last two posts- here they are:

Black Flag- TV Party
How could I forget this one? How? Seriously, I've gone to bed the last two days and suddenly remembered that I forgot to put this video in posts.

Ween- Push th' Little Daisies
One of the reasons I don't do drugs is that I like shit like this sober, so what would I be like high/stoned/whatever?

There are probably more I'm forgetting, but here are these.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Oh Crap, I Forgot Some Last Time

I totally did. Here's more old-school alt videos. You won't know it, but this is going to take me a while to post, because we're live-chatting the Golden Globes on a forum I'm on, and I'm doing this during commercial breaks and categories I don't care about.

1. Massive Attack- Teardrop
Creepy singing fetus! I seem to remember that the puppeteers (I don't think the fetus was CGI) used baby pictures of Liz Fraser of Cocteau Twins (the female singer) when making the puppet for the video.

2. The Breeders- Cannonball
Another example of Why Things Were Better Before: Nowadays if you're a wonam and you want to be in a video, you have to be all scantily-clad and ass-shaking and "hot"-looking. Back in the day, women like the Deals could show up in, like, sweaters and baggy shorts and striped tights and unwashed hair (okay, that I'm against. If you're going to be on film, have clean hair.) and be fucking awesome.

3. The Smiths- How Soon Is Now
Morrissey sings this song like Hedonism-Bot talks.

4. The Dambuilders- Burn This Bridge
Featuring Dave Derby's gigantic mouth. The drummer, Kevin March, is in Hot One now. They rock.

5. XTC- Mayor of Simpleton
I can't say enough good things about XTC. One of the best bands ever.

It only took two hours to find five videos, but there they are.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Video Bonanza- Alternative Edition

Have I mentioned how much I love VH1 Classic? Because I do. A lot. On Sunday nights they have "The Alternative," which is described by my Dish Network remote's "info" button as"Videos from unconventional bands of the '60s, '70s and '80s." Although I've mostly seen 80s and 90s videos, that's what it is. And I love it. So, in honor of my new favorite programming block, here are some old-school alt (and New Wave, Punk, all the stuff they used to play on The Lazer before it got corporatized) videos.

1. Squeeze- Hourglass
Most people only know "Tempted," but Squeeze was more than that song. Also great- Black Coffee in Bed.

2. The Flaming Lips- She Don't Use Jelly
First seen by me (and many others I'm sure) on "Beavis and Butt-Head."

3. The Pursuit of Happiness- Cigarette Dangles
How Canadian. a song that's completely filthy and totally adorable at the same time.

4. Living Colour- Cult of Personality
I realize that some consider them a more mainstream version of Bad Brains, but A) That's kinda racist, just because they're both black metal bands, and B) Even if that's true, so what? They still rock.

5. Faith No More- We Care a Lot
This song plays over the end credits of a movie my friend Keil and I got an idea for a long time ago. It was called "One Rich, Too Rich." It would've been a great movie, if we could have made it.

6. Jon Spencer Blues Explosion- Wail
Directed by Weird Al!

7. Luscious Jackson- Naked Eye
And it feels alright.

8. Depeche Mode- Enjoy the Silence
When I was young, this song was on the jukebox at Coronado's (a local Mexican restaurant if you're not reading from here,) and every time we ate there I'd play it.

9. R.E.M.- The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
"Call me when you try to wake her up." You're welcome.

10. Lush- Ladykillers
There's a comment on the youtube page that says "She looks asian but sounds british." Because, of course, there have never been any Asian immigrants to England. You lose, AskAlice24.

Okay, so that wasn't exactly a bonanza, but I'm tired, and it's cold, and I have housework to do, and blah blah blah, whine and make excuses.

Saturday, January 06, 2007



Today, I'll be sharing a bunch of links of a more, um, adult nature. Like the title suggests, this stuff isn't safe for work. Unless you work somewhere really cool.

1. Savage Love
Okay, maybe you could get away with this at work, because most of it's just the advice column. The podcast is awesome, maybe a little better than the column sometimes. I'm plowing through the back episodes right now.

2. Overhead Cumshot
Exactly what it sounds like- ejaculation viewed on an overhead projector. As an office supplies geek, I understand the sadness about the demise of the overhead projector and its replacement by Powerpoint and similar programs. As a heterosexual woman, I applaud this form of expression. Note: the server wasn't responding when I posted this. Hopefully that's only a temporary thing.

3. Naked Male Celebrities

4. babeland.com
Sex toys, education, and other stuff with a sex-positive feminist slant. I highly recommend the blog.

5. Slash Fanfiction
You know, I don't usually judge, but slash fiction is just weird. Seriously, if you want to write erotic fiction, go for it. But, come on, make up your own characters, don't write novels about the erotic adventures of Sora and Riku.

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