Sunday, January 14, 2007


Video Bonanza- Alternative Edition

Have I mentioned how much I love VH1 Classic? Because I do. A lot. On Sunday nights they have "The Alternative," which is described by my Dish Network remote's "info" button as"Videos from unconventional bands of the '60s, '70s and '80s." Although I've mostly seen 80s and 90s videos, that's what it is. And I love it. So, in honor of my new favorite programming block, here are some old-school alt (and New Wave, Punk, all the stuff they used to play on The Lazer before it got corporatized) videos.

1. Squeeze- Hourglass
Most people only know "Tempted," but Squeeze was more than that song. Also great- Black Coffee in Bed.

2. The Flaming Lips- She Don't Use Jelly
First seen by me (and many others I'm sure) on "Beavis and Butt-Head."

3. The Pursuit of Happiness- Cigarette Dangles
How Canadian. a song that's completely filthy and totally adorable at the same time.

4. Living Colour- Cult of Personality
I realize that some consider them a more mainstream version of Bad Brains, but A) That's kinda racist, just because they're both black metal bands, and B) Even if that's true, so what? They still rock.

5. Faith No More- We Care a Lot
This song plays over the end credits of a movie my friend Keil and I got an idea for a long time ago. It was called "One Rich, Too Rich." It would've been a great movie, if we could have made it.

6. Jon Spencer Blues Explosion- Wail
Directed by Weird Al!

7. Luscious Jackson- Naked Eye
And it feels alright.

8. Depeche Mode- Enjoy the Silence
When I was young, this song was on the jukebox at Coronado's (a local Mexican restaurant if you're not reading from here,) and every time we ate there I'd play it.

9. R.E.M.- The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
"Call me when you try to wake her up." You're welcome.

10. Lush- Ladykillers
There's a comment on the youtube page that says "She looks asian but sounds british." Because, of course, there have never been any Asian immigrants to England. You lose, AskAlice24.

Okay, so that wasn't exactly a bonanza, but I'm tired, and it's cold, and I have housework to do, and blah blah blah, whine and make excuses.

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