Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I'll Think Up a Clever Title Later

Videos, videos, videos! Check it.

1. Ryan Downe- Scratch
I think this video was supposed to be artistic. Forgive me for being a hick, but I'm not seeing symbolism or deep meaning in this video. I do think it's fun to watch the guy splatter paint all over a room. And remember what I said about empty chairs in the entry for "Spider"? One shows up here.

2. Geggy Tah- Whoever You Are
My unsolicited but relevant feelings about music in commercials: I'm not a fan. I'll make an exception for new songs, but when it's a song I've known and loved for years, my music snob fur bristles. Such is the case with this song, since it was in a car commercial a couple years ago. Yay for royalties for the songwriters, boo for companies thinking they can sell coolness with background music. And double boo to companies who don't actually listen to the songs' lyrics. "Lust for Life" is about being a heroin addict, not about having a good old time on a cruise ship.

3. Underworld- Born Slippy
Speaking of songs from the Trainspotting soundtrack (Lust for Life,) it's this! I have a genetic disorder that prevents me from dancing well- it's called Awkward White Girlitis- but if I ever overcame that malady, I'd dance to stuff like this.

4. History of the Amen Break
Q: What is the most sampled song in music history?
A: Amen, Brother by The Winstons. Or, more accurately, a six-second drum fill from that song. Entire subgenres of music and the subcultures that sprang up around them (or is it the other way around?) came from six seconds of drums. This video explores the history of that sample.

5. Bad Company- Silver, Blue, and Gold
It's a fan video, but whatever. I've had this song in my head for weeks, and now so can you.

6. Mica Paris- My One Temptation
She's one of the new hosts of the British (original) version of "What Not to Wear." Good for her.

That's all for now.

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