Friday, July 21, 2006


Navel-Gazing Video, Part the Second- And an Experiment

I said I'd do this, and here it is. Today's Special (heh,) intros to ten TV shows I watched when I was little:

1. The Get-Along Gang
I remember next to nothing about the show, but dammit, twenty years later I could still sing the first part of the theme song.

2. Today's Special
Now this show I remember. I wish I still got Newsworld International; when I had it, every time Nerene Virgin was on I'd yell "Jody!" at the TV. Seriously.

3. Pinwheel
Awww yeah, Nickelodeon in the early/mid-eighties was awesome. Although watching the clips of this show now, I can't believe I liked it then. Some of the characters were a little scary looking. Random fact about me: I learned to whistle from the end credits of "Pinwheel." I just sat in front of the TV and practiced until I got it right.

4. The Littles
It's a show about mouse/human-hybrid-looking creatures that live in the walls. Umm. My local Fox station sometimes shows this at 4 or 5 am, and one day a deputy who's about my age and I watched part of an episode and got nostalgic, then bored. It doesn't hold up too well.

5. Dumbo's Circus
It's Dumbo, and he's in the circus! Or running it, or something- I don't remember, it's been awhile. And his trunk is really small and kinda phallic. Turn your speakers down before watching it- it's super loud.

6. Jem
I'm female and was young in the 80s. I watched Jem. Had the doll, too. I don't think she and Barbie were clothes-compatble.

7. She-Ra
Speaking of having dolls, it's He-Man's twin sister! I had her castle, but never had the She-Ra doll. I did have Frosta (the blue friend, who was my Halloween costume in first or second grade) and Glimmer (the purple friend.) I think I may still have the Glimmer doll somewhere, although she's gotten a punk haircut sometime in the last two decades. ETA: Yes, I do. And she has.

8. Pee-Wee's Playhouse
I would be remiss if I didn't include the greatest damned kids' show of my childhood. It was dumb without being stupid, at a kid's level without being condescending, and still awesome. If you're not already watching it on Adult Swim, start. Love.

9. Dungeons and Dragons
I pretty much just wanted to make sure I didn't dream this one up. I place the blame for any and all RPG-nerd tendencies I have as an adult squarely at the feet of this cartoon.

10. Muppet Babies
Muppets, as babies, with June Cleaver as their nanny. Whatever. I'm just mad I couldn't find the Teen Wolf cartoon intro.

Now that that's over, here's the experiment. Just to see if people google themselves, I'm going to list the names of some people I know now or have known in the past (and a cousin.) If you find yourself, leave a comment or tell me or something.

Ingi House
Cassie Michael (but you'll probably read this anyway)
Brian Mattingly
Wade Bowie (or should I put Wade H. Bowie II?)
Dennis Edson
Jennifer Hsiang
Willie Bradshaw (it's your second mention in this post, dude!)
Shannon Tollefson

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Yay, Videos!

Here are some of my favorite music videos that can be found on Youtube. Or actually, videos for songs/ by artists I love that happen to be there. In no particular order:

1. Silly Fools- Kid Teung
I really hope this video's meant to be funny, because it's freakin' hilarious, what with all the (I hope) faux-sincere overacting. The band seems to have a good sense of humor about itself, so I'm thinking it's supposed to make me laugh. And really, you can't go wrong with a Silly Fools video. They're awesome. The sound's weird in this one because it's from the karaoke VCD, and one audio channel has the melody for singing along.

2. Spitz- Tekuteku
Another band whose entire oeuvre I highly recommend. This video's so sweet and sad and pretty and animated.

3. Shudder To Think- Hit Liquor
Yes, yes, yes! It's not the best song on the album (still great, though,) but it's the only one with a video on Youtube. Plus, did the video for "X-French Tee Shirt" have Nathan Larson cutting up and cooking some dead guy on a boat? No, it did not.

4. Love Psychedelico- Help
I love Love Psychedelico. And I love falling dominoes. And I love Rube Goldberg machines. And I love breakfast. And I love well-done Beatles covers. And I love this video.

5. The Trews- Not Ready to Go
I love them. I didn't even notice the creepy dolls in the video the first time around.

6. Philosopher Kings- You Don't Love Me (Like You Used To)
Wanna see some snails gettin' it on? No? How 'bout ladybugs? Well fine then, don't click on the link. Perverts will discover a really great song, along with the aforementioned invertebrate lovin'.

7. Jon Spencer Blues Explosion- 2 Kindsa Love
Song and video don't match at all- and that's the genius of it. I know all the 90s teen alternagrrrls were supposed to be all hot over Jon, but I've always been a Russell Simins kinda gal.

8. Cibo Matto- Sugar Water
Freaky, creepy, and totally awesome.

9. Ultimate Fakebook- Inside Me, Inside You
Yay for Kansas bands! Yay for "How to Rock" videos! And yay for big bald burly bassists (mmm... Nick Colby)!

10. Roots- What They Do
Speaking of how-to videos, this is the "Rap Video Manual." Is this really from an entire decade ago? I'm getting old.

This is the first in a series of "Ten videos from Youtube that have something in common" posts. Stand by for "Intros from TV shows I watched when I was little," "Commercials I remember," and other self-indulgent, navel-gazing topics.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


A Link I Need to Post, Just to Get It Out of the Way

Wiping the Crazy Off My Face is funny as hell, and not just because I know a lot of the people in it. And also not just because I'm finally going to meet the writer tomorrow- I've talked to her on the phone before, and there was that night they were drunk and were going to come over to my house, but it was filthy and I'm pretty sure she would have been horrified, so it's probably a good thing they didn't. But anyway, Sher will be at Evil Red-headed Berta Lou's house tomorrow night, and I'm going over there before work to finally meet her, and see Mr. Man and Deputy Pretty, who's been on vacation and I think he goes on days next month, and I'll miss his goofy (not really that pretty, IMHO) ass. And now I'm just showing off how many of these people I know personally. Ooh, maybe I'll get to be in a post there*! I want a cryptic but transparent nickname!

Time to stop writing and go to work.

*And if I am, and it's at least semi-flattering, I'll run right here and gloat. And link.


Camwhore, Part 1

Sometimes I like to watch webcams (of the non-pornographic variety, thank you very much.) One- actually it's three in one place- is in the city of Rovaniemi, Finland. Sometimes I like to think about what it would be like if I were from Finland (I feel a weird affinity {no pun intended} with Finland. U5 4eva, y'all!) and in this alternate universe, I'm always from Rovaniemi, never, like, Helsinki or Turku or Lahti. I hope I get to go there someday. I also hope that when I get there I don't just stand around at the places where the cams are and think "Wow, I know this street" or wave at them so I'll be on the internet.


Straightforward Introduction

This is my newest blog, my internet entertainment clearinghouse. I find things, I show them off to my adoring audience, who may or may not exist outside of my head.

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