Monday, August 28, 2006


Geeking Out- Spoiler Alert!

I've been wanting to post some old-school video game endings for a while, so here. It's all games I've played, and you should play them too. At the very least, it'll make the endings make sense, instead of just being pretty.

1. Terranigma- Part 1 and Part 2
You might want to turn the sound down for Part 1, since the text-scrolling SFX can be a little annoying. And what's with naming the Legendary Hero xiu? His default name is Ark, and that's good enough for me.

2. Illusion of Gaia Part 1 and Part 2
If it looks a little like Terranigma (especially the speech font) that's because it's a prequel of sorts. IoG is the second in the Soul Blazer trilogy, Terranigma's the third. The ending to Soul Blazer isn't up anywhere, but here's the final boss battle, and there's a speed run up, too.

3. Chrono Cross
The good ending. Or at least the ending video, not the actual "free Schala, third character talks about their plans for the future, Kid expounds about the Sea of Zurvan, letter from Schala/Kid, Serge will wake up and it'll all be a dream, Stella cries the whole damn way through" ending. But still, it's a nice song. And it naturally leads to...

4. Chrono Trigger Part 1 and Part 2
This is the Get Chrono Back/Don't Kill Magus/ Don't Crash the Epoch into Lavos in 1999 ending. It's one of many, many endings, some of which are up on Youtube. Find them yourselves, or better yet, play the damn game. Emulation is your friend.

5. Earthbound
This is the ending ending. After you beat the final boss, you get to walk around as long as you want, revisiting all the towns you've been through, finding out what happens to all the characters, without enemies. Sprite roll call and the credits, including all the pictures Photo Man took of your party (say Fuzzy Pickles!) and the special player tribute at the end. It makes sense if you've played the game.

6. Super Mario RPG
It's a sweet little game. But I still like this YTMND better than the SMRPG game music proper.

As a bonus here's a video showing (almost) all the games Mario has been in.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


More Videos Because I'm Bored- Now With 20% Extra Video Goodness!

So. I'm bored and awake and not going to sleep any time soon, so here's a few videos of songs I'm into right now.

1. Tata Young- El Nin-Yo!
This woman needs to be more famous in the States. We need fun, fresh pop to counterbalance the absolute evil that is the tranny, methfaced, pants-pissing Fergie.

2. Placebo- Infrared
Sigh. I recently re-realized how fucking awesome Placebo is.

3. Cobra Starship- Snakes on a Plane (Bring It)
If you've talked to me in the last few weeks, you were probably expecting this one. Best motherfuckin' movie I've seen in formotherfuckin'ever. I was one of two people in the theater when I saw SoaP, and that guy who was there didn't even stay for the credits. Good song. Who's your daddy now bitch indeed.

4. Bodyslam - Ruk Gaw Bpen Yahng Nee
I'm getting into Bodyslam a little, I think. I have to find another Thai band to like since Toe left Silly Fools (yes I know they'll get another singer, but it won't be the same. It'll be like a Thai Audioslave, nice but not RATM.) I like how most Thai rock bands have English names, like Silly Fools, Bodyslam, Fahrenheit, and Bigass. But the best-named Thai band has to be Sweet Mullet.

5. The Trews- Tired of Waiting
Oh. Shit. This. Rules. I flove the Trews so much. I regret that I only have two hands with which to make rock fists and throw in the air in approval of this band's music.

Extra Bonus Video: The Tea Party- The Bazaar
In honor of the family tea party I attended Saturday night, here's a video by the band of the same name. Yes, I know he looks and sounds like Jim Morrison.

So if you're keeping track of the "Stella likes foreign music" statistics, the artists in these videos' nationalities are: 1. Thai/American, 2. Officially British but they're from all over the place, 3. American (I guess,) 4. Thai, 5. Canadian, 6. Canadian.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I Love the 90s (Music)

The Nineties were my adolescence- I mean really, I turned ten at the end of 1989 and twenty at the end of 1999, and I have a lot of affection for the music from that decade. So here are some videos I love from back in the day.

1. Lemonheads- Confetti
It's a Shame About Ray was the shit when I was in middle school. I think I like Ben Deily better than Evan as a Lemonheads frontman/songwriter, but I still love Evan's goofy drugged-up ass.

2. Sloan- 500 Up
This may be my favorite video of the 90s. And maybe my favorite ever. And it's Sloan. Here's something you may not know about me: Patrick Pentland (the guy singing lead for most of this song) heavily influenced my attraction template. To this day, if a guy looks like him, I'll automatically be attracted to that guy.

3. Dambuilders- Shrine
Yay, sticks as guns. I don't know who these "Rock Video" people are, but I'm hoping they just had their spellcheck on autocorrect when they were putting the chyron on this video, because there's no excuse for spelling the album name wrong. It's Encendedor, not Encoder, assholes.

4. Snoop Doggy Dogg- Gin and Juice
No, kids, it's not a typo, there used to be a "Doggy" in the man's name. I think everyone who watched MTV around 1994 can recite the dialogue from this video. "Snoop Doggy Dogg, you need to get a jobby job."

5. Primus-Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
I miss the days when MTV played fun videos. Now everybody's either mopey or trying to show off how rich and/or sexy they are. The guys in the band looked like those characters from the Duracell commercials that were running at about the same time, The Puttermans.

6. Shudder To Think- X-French Tee Shirt
::Does happy dance that somebody finally put this up. Reminds self to upgrade to satellite package that has VH1 Classic:: It's the video that got me into Shudder To Think, which got me into Pony Express Record, which got me into all their other stuff, and made me want to keep up with Craig's and Nathan's (warning: site automatically plays audio and will rock your ass) post-S2T stuff. And I'm sure the DVD will be out someday. RIght, Marc? If you've heard my cell phone ring, you've heard this song.

7. Nirvana- Sliver
Well of course there's a Nirvana song in my Nineties post. I just really love this song and video. Anytime someone includes "mashed potatoes" in their lyrics, I'm down with it. And, seriously, who would have thought that 15 years later Dave Grohl would be the most commercially successful member of Nirvana?

8. Alanis Morissette- You Oughta Know
Speaking of the Foo Fighters, there's Taylor Hawkins! Moody teenage girls everywhere, myself included, were all over this shit.

9. Odds- Heterosexual Man
I heart the Odds, and the Kids in the Hall. So of course I love them together.

10. Nine Inch Nails- Closer
Best video of the Nineties, hands down. It's also better than "Thriller." Yes, I said it. Thriller is overrated.


Videos You'll Need To Spend Some Time Watching

1. Kissing Hank's Ass
Classic freethought tract brought to life and onto video. Hilarious. And Drew Barrios (the bald guy) is smokin' hot here. So is Jamal Qutub, even with the helmety dreadlocks. I guess the other guy's cute too. And look- it's not from Youtube!

2. Un Chien Andalou
If you're at all squeamish, or have a thing about eyes don't watch between 1:20 and 1:40 of this. And if you don't like Dadaism, don't watch it at all. It's one long WTF? moment.

3. Nuumamonja
Anime based on Chrono Trigger. Hells yeah. I prefer Gato's song (and name) in English, though.

4. Baby Smackhead Music Festival
The brilliant Julie's brilliant parody of those Baby Einstein/Baby Mozart videos. When I have babies, those videos won't be played in my house, joining Barney and Raffi on the banned list. My kids will listen to TMBG and Cake and watch Blue's Clues and Mr. Rogers reruns. I say that now, but we'll see when I actually start reproducing.

5. Design for Dreaming
The future, as imagined by General Motors in 1956. I didn't link to the MST3K version, but it's there. As is the sequel.

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